c. myers live – Strategic Insight into Industry Trends and Topics
July 14, 2021
As we’re helping clients navigate changes in the environment and impacts to the industry, we’ve been having invaluable, strategic conversations on a wide range of topics. In this c. myers live, we have a free-flowing discussion on some of these latest trends and topics, and why they are so important.
About the Hosts:
Rob, one of five c. myers owners, has a reputation for deep, original thinking on asset/liability management and every conceivable modeling methodology, as well as analysis of investments, liquidity, aggregate risk, concentration risk, and other related topics. While Rob is a familiar face to the managements and boards of many of the largest credit unions, he has helped credit unions of all sizes tackle some of their toughest challenges, such as rebuilding capital and navigating safely and soundly with the smallest of margins. He has become quite familiar to many leaders in the regulatory world, both as an educator and a thought leader.
Brian, one of five c. myers owners, has worked closely with credit union Boards and managements of all sizes in a variety of capacities. As a strategic planning facilitator, CEOs regularly praise Brian’s industry knowledge, calming communication skills, ability to authentically engage anyone with whom he interacts, and ability to keep discussions focused on linking strategy with desired measures of success.
Sally is a founder of c. myers corporation and one of five owners. Driven by a deep commitment to helping credit union leaders and regulators for more than two decades, her guidance has shaped c. myers’ focus on client support and leadership development. Sally has facilitated hundreds of strategic planning, governance, and business model evaluation sessions, and has spoken at countless national and regional industry conferences.
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