c. myers live – Using Talent as Your Institution’s Competitive Advantage
October 26, 2022
One of the most talked about topics in the financial industry is talent. In this c. myers live, we take the talent conversation to the strategic level and give you ways to use it as a competitive advantage. This is crucial for any business model and can make a huge impact on your institution and the talent you attract and retain.
About the Hosts:
Sally is a founder of c. myers corporation and one of five owners. Driven by a deep commitment to helping financial industry leaders and regulators for more than two decades, her guidance has shaped c. myers’ focus on helping clients create opportunities and approach problem solving from a scalable perspective. She has also been a strategic force behind the development of c. myers’ financial models.
Since joining c. myers in 2004, Charlene has become one of the most diverse facilitators within the industry, especially with regard to helping credit unions of all sizes address three necessary business objectives: relevancy, differentiation, and sustainability. Over the years, she has honed her skills for facilitating various types of sessions, including Strategic Planning, Strategic Implementation, Member Journey and Experience Improvement, and Strategic Financial Planning.
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